Thursday, July 22, 2010


Since i was a little girl i dreamed one day i would become something amazing, I truly feel that i have achieved that and beyond! I capture amazing people's lives in pictures. That's the most incredible feeling in the world, Because its giving them a memory to look back on when they are older for there kids, grand kids, and other family members! Its just amazing to me that I am part of something so big.

I can honestly say this is a job that you don't wake up to not wanting to go to. This job is different everyday its never ever the same. There are so many amazing families, people and beautiful children in this world and every shoot i have is completely different from the last! I think to myself how much different could this shoot get and every shoot I am blown away by just how much fun and silly people are when they aren't thinking about it. Natural Lighting is the best light i have found, Children just having fun and candid shots turn out amazing because the portrait shows who they really are, Bringing out their personality and they shine!

I don't believe in rushing through shoots, Children are very unpredictable and you never know whats going to go on, your praying they are in a good mood and want to smile when you get there. Just think about it for a second, Your coming up to this child as a stranger, as parents we teach our children to not talk to strangers and here you are wanting the them to pose,smile, touching them to position them the right way etc. Sure we say only when so and so says its okay,But They need time to warm up to the idea of you even telling me slightly what you need them to do, let alone be happy about this stranger telling them what to do.. So i strongly believe its all a process or getting them to trust you and warming up to them for a few moments without demanding them to do something!

My business is soaring slowly but surely and its going to become so much better in the months and years to come, I am so excited to see where this journey leads me, I can honestly say i have found what i have truly meant to do in life. I am totally happy about it too!
That's all for tonight's blog, Hopes everyone has a wonderful night and Always remember moments fade away, Kids grow up so fast, Don't forget to capture it all one snap at a time!

Wedding Package Prices

Fairy Tale Package $800
1 16x20
6 8x10
6 5x7
48 wallets

Story Book Package $1200
1 16x20
1 11x1410
8x1048 wallets
1 album 10 pages

Platinum Package$1800
2 16x20
2 11x14
10 8x10
10 5x7
48 Wallets
1 DVD slideshow
1 album 10 pages
1 High Resolution CD